Online Quran For Kids


Home – Services

Dirham Services

Uniting hearts, serving humanity at the Islamic Center.

Dirham Islamic centers typically offer a range of services and activities to cater to the spiritual, social, and educational needs of the Muslim community.

Zakat & Sadaqah

We collect and distribute Zakat and Sadaqah funds to help those in need, both within the local community and abroad.

Marriage & Family Conseling

We offer counseling services to help individuals and families deal with personal and emotional issues.

Women's Programs

Educate and connect women in safe spaces while upholding Islamic principles and promoting gender equity.

Halal Food Services

Islamic halal food services provide food and drink prepared in accordance with Islamic dietary laws.


The Shahada is the Islamic declaration of faith, affirming the oneness of God and prophet-hood.

Marriage Services

In Dirham we have Islamic library, which may include books, journals, and other resources related to Islamic studies, history, and culture.

Join us for prayer and community at the Islamic Center.

Donate Program

Uniting hearts, serving humanity at the Islamic Center.

Donate For Poor

Goals : $200.000

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Donate For Medicines

Goals : $220.000

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Donate For Education

Goals : $200.000

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